Sunday, 23 December 2012

Over the Weekend....

So we start on Saturday with lots of rain again and pancakes for breakfast. The boys are really into drawing in their activity books, 'A' has recently got the hang of dot to dots so has been busy doing these. The activity books have led to some free style map making, and the maps have been filled with danger and mild peril trying to escape from the dreaded 'Katy' (their imaginary, very naughty butterfly friend).

'J' is quite happy at the moment when he is playing in the sink, either emptying water down the overflow or drowning his cars. 'A' joined in with him and they played nicely together, crashing planes and so on.

More drawing took place and I left them to it and took Milo for a walk, 'J' tagged along too, so my nice quiet walk didnt quite go according to plan, as we had to splash in all the puddles and walk very slowly! I also had to talk him out of wading into the following puddle!

Later in the afternoon we took the boys to Nana's house so Daddy and I could go and see our friend. She is now in a neuro-rehabilitation unit and is coming along really well and is being allowed to go home for christmas day :-) She booked Daddy in for her sons 16th birthday party next year, as he is a bit of computer DJ!

The weather got no better following this and I drove us home through floods and allsorts, by which time the littlies had all fallen asleep.

Sunday dawned as a dry day - horray - no rain!!

Today looked a bit like this; Pirate Pairs again, but it was with a lot of arguing!

'J' got the threading beads out, very good for his fine motor skills and 'A' joined in too.

They both made me a lovely necklace, which I have had to wear all day.

'H' had a mega sleep this morning and eventually surfaced around lunch time, when we broke open the cheese and crackers. The boys tried all the different cheeses and quite liked the smoked applewood and the gouda. 'H' has discovered houmous and its definatly a favourite!

One of our lovely friends came round in the afternoon, we havent seen her since the October halfterm so we had lots to catch up on. Daddy had to go and do a little bit of work and the boys have played duplo for the rest of the time. Constructing all types of towers and obstacle courses.

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