Thursday, 20 December 2012

Its raining its pouring....

The house is surrounded by a moat, more water than we have ever seen!!
We didn't venture out this morning, not even Milo could be bothered with all that rain, so we watched 'Hook' and played games instead. We started with Pirate Pairs, 'A' is getting very good at this type of memory game 'J' is still learning and mostly picks the same cards again and again! Next 'A' wanted to make words up with the Movable Alphabet. He said what word he wanted to spell, then tried to sound it out with some help. His favourite word at the moment is xray and he can spell that himself, as well as his own name.

'J' wanted to play with the Trace and Learn letters, and he sat quietly going through them saying the pictures and tracing the letters. The Toy Story cards came out after this and we played snap and pairs.

The boys were booked in for a haircut at 1230, so we ventured off out to the hairdressers. 'A's confidence in talking to people is growing day by day. He is speaking loud and clear and answering their questions in a positive voice. They got to sit in a mini version of a hairdresser chair which was fun as normally its just a booster seat. Both of them were chatting to the 'lady', as 'J' kept calling her, about christmas and they both sat still whilst she chopped off their locks.

I had promised them a cake if they sat still, so we went to the bakery and they chose finger donuts with sprinkles, 'J' wanted to have a look at the florist next door and admired all the flowers.

Once back home the paint and stencils came out, and more glittery Santa's, reindeer's and christmas trees were created. Hand prints, finger prints, a jam sandwich for 'H' (he loved it!!) and then the black paint appeared.

We made some mince pie cupcakes and some honeycomb, the latter as a present for their playschool teachers, and I did a shepherds pie for dinner. 'A' didn't want any, but did have some jelly before projectile vomiting across the kitchen - ugh! 'J' polished off his and jelly, a yoghurt, a satsuma and then some crumpets. 'H' really enjoyed it too, he couldn't get it in his mouth quick enough!

After putting on pyjamas we came downstairs for a cuddle, and watched a lovely animation called 'Lost and Found' about a little boy and a penguin. It kept them quiet for half an hour!

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