Sunday, 16 December 2012

It must be nearly christmas....

First thing this morning, after breakfast and watching 'H' do a bit of dancing, which is very funny, we got all the paints out and started to decorate the salt dough we had made.

The boys then decided a bit of stencil painting was in order, 'A' did another santa, rudolf and sleigh but this time used colour for different parts of the picture.

Daddies new r/c helicopter had been charged so they all trooped outside to try and fly it. 'H' and I got there just as the battery started to fade so we didnt see it in action, but the boys thought it was cool!
Fishers farm next for a run about in softplay, the boys met up with some playschool friends, so it made it even more fun for them.
On the way home we stopped at the wood yard to choose a christmas tree. I think the boys are finally getting into the swing of christmas this year, as they are very excited by everything!!

Tree being transported on daddies pickup.

So the tree is up and the lights were going on, and then......they didn't work :-( (they had been tested only last week as well) so daddy and 'A' made a mad dash to pick up some new ones, whilst 'J' and I made some more flat breads.

A decorating frenzy followed and the finished tree is revealed!!! The house is now aglow with lights, it looks very festive!

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