Thursday, 21 July 2016

Pokemon in the wood...

We picked up one of A's friends this morning so she could come to walk milo with us. We went to Hesworth Common in Fittleworth, not somewhere we go regularly but it was nearer to where we were. Quite a long walk talking about tooth removal, dog logic, and the start of a summer project for A and S.

We discovered a poke stop at the carpark, I got a quick lesson and collected a few balls and Pokemon! Then we stopped at the park and H collected some more Pokemon!!!

Took S home and played for a while at her house. She and A were designing the layout for the house/room they are constructing for his bears. It is quite impressive and hopefully he will get his teeth into it over the summer. They have painting, making and designing to do. I feel Skype may become busy soon!!
A was a bit cross as when we had got home he was unable to use the laptop as I needed it and then daddy came home and he needed it too.

H had a horrible sleep last night with an evil nightmare about mermaids stealing me and him whilst at the beach. No idea where this has come from. We drew some mermaid pictures and talked about them being mythical so hopefully it won't happen again tonight.

Staggered bedtimes are interesting.

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