Saturday, 16 July 2016

Busy busy busy.

Not much to write about for yesterday,  and the fact that I forgot...

Today however, hot.
Download Pokemon Go and we had a little search for a few in the park this morning! We now have caught 3.
Then we headed over to Chichester to the Police Station open day. Really good, loads to look at and climb in.

Me and the boys locked in a prison van!!! They started to panic a bit as it was quite stuffy.

We did a speed race, J went in a fire engine, we had ice cream, met some lovely people and a few Search and Rescue dogs before a dressed up person dog came along and H had a crisis. Poor dude.

Next on our agenda was the Village Treasure Hunt!! Quite a lot of walking especially for H, and being so warm it was tough going but we completed it with minimal fuss. Didn't win £100 though.

Next to Gabas for a bbq and and a drink.....definitely needed :-)

Hopefully everyone will have a good sleep as we are off to the zoo tomorrow.

In other news I ordered a checklist of targets that should be met for yrs 1-4 alongside the national curriculum.
I need to go through it properly but it looks as if maths is the one we need to work on most, writing skills next and science made me laugh as even H has covered most of the year 4 targets.

And do you know all looks so boring 💤

But definitely number work will be showing an appearance in the very near future.

It's funny to see how much of all of it depends on a child's ability to basically read and write. Which is why they are taught that in school first of course.
Now A is an avid reader but this didn't occur until he was nearly 7.5 and his writing is still a bit ropey but he does try, a lot more than he used to due to a fear of getting it wrong :-(

J can recognise some words and he points them out when we are reading, I think he can see this new world that A is now in and he wants to be there too.

H shows great ability, he can sound out words and tell you what letters are in them and he can recognise most of them. But his pencil usage is rubbish. It didn't used to be but..... I found the pencil grippers and he was using them earlier.

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