Sunday, 24 July 2016

Learn nothing

Feeling tired today. Had a lovely afternoon at a garden party yesterday and I think the heat may have wiped us out a bit. Boys were already tired from their previous last night, although they consumed enough sweets to ensure they didn't stop for a while!

Today we decided to tackle the bus and make some beds for it. Off to Wickes to source wood and hinges and a tube.

Captain diy got his saw and tape measure out once back home and we fixed up a bed for us and a front seat one. Two small people will be sleeping on the floor amd all in all its really good!!! We should have done it ages ago but we had completely over thought the whole design and so didn't!!!

A trip has been scheduled for next week end to road test it, and our lovely friends have lent us some insulated window covers so we are all set!

It was also learn nothing day today, so we had a meet up in the park to celebrate it. Pretty hard as we all learnt things today. J being the best one 'dont do that with the drill you will sna....' and he did and he did snap it too.

A has learnt about perspective when drawing and has also been discussing his teddy room with S.

H has mainly been shouty today.

Big day for J tomorrow as he is having his teeth out.

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