Tuesday, 2 August 2016


Not really sure what's going on with the boys at the moment. They are being rude and disrespectful, acting like lunatics most of the time and annoying each other in some shape or form at any given opportunity.
We have H who will do a blood curdling scream for what seems like 10 mins, J who will try to turn any wrong doing into an episode of Fight Club, and A who is back chatting and causing carnage whenever he can. This stage may 'pass' but it's not any fun.

Walk around the woods, side stepping the rain. Then off to do a quick shop and go into B&Q for paint supplies for the bears.

Not sure A has grasped the concept of how much money this project is using up. He sees it as only £3 or only £5 and fails to see the bigger balance at present.

After I eventually pulled him away from the TV, kind of anyway, he helped make the cushions and covers for his bears. He is not concentrating very well lately, and I think it's a case of over tiredness and poor diet choices.

He has got S coming over tomorrow to do some more project work, and Gaba is going to have J and possibly H whilst she is here. J doesn't seem to like other people being in his house, so this is the best option.

 They can play nicely together.

The finished cushions and quilt.

 J made me a colour by numbers to complete.

And as a random note, H ate peas last night and liked them!!!

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