Monday, 15 August 2016

Monday Blues......

After a jam packed week end, it feels a bit meh today. A funny day that's definitely not Monday feeling!

Friday was a shopping/tidying/being at home kind of day. J was a bit of an ass really most of the time.

Saturday dawned and we took Milo out, then ventured into Storrington to go and get some bits. Not bad actually. No major problems had by the 3 amigos!

In the afternoon we headed over to Southwater to the Dinosaur Park. Packed. No one finds it very enjoyable when it's that busy. Drifted over to the lake and did some paddling. Made stone letters for H to recognise and he did really well at that! Walked round the lake to watch some of the water dwellers....and found a secret path back to the car.

Daddy and I were off to a wedding reception in a field, hopefully not to be eaten alive by beasties. Did well 😉
Was nice to see people and get home at a respectable time.

Sunday was a crammed one. Walk Milo then head down to Bognor to see Nana and Gramps.....had pizza and then back to our friends for a birthday party.
Hog roast, cocktails, slip and slide. Had a brilliant time. Boys had a mega brilliant time and A cried when we had to go home.... 6hrs on the slip and slide clearly not enough!!!

Apart from H boys slept in until 845am.
Unheard of normally!!!!!

Been to PYO raspberries today. Made a cordial, an icecream and some cakes. Tasty.

Back to the party house tomorrow for a bit more slide action......

Thursday, 11 August 2016


Yesterday we went to Pulborough Brooks to Wild Wednesday. Snake spotting and bug hunting were on the agenda. J made it clear he wasn't interested until it got interesting of course 😉

Stayed for lunch then came home to play for a bit before going to see Gaba and having a play at the park. I was exhausted yesterday don't know why...

Today we went to visit friends that have recently moved. We haven't seen them in ages and the boys all hit it off and played all day long!!!!!! Apart from H who wanted to go home pretty much as soon as we got there....

H got me with bubbles in the bath....

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Those bears.....

Library stop to collect some books for H, and a pick up of A's friend S.

On to the woods where milo lost his ball and J did his best to be highly dramatic about everything.

Lots of creating went on today, I made the rocket for J's project and A and S put some finishing touches to the bears house. It's looking good!

They played in and around that theme all day and only by 4pm had I decided that we had all had enough of J and so I took a very understanding S home, hopefully giving J time to reflect on his dramas today.

We have pond dipping etc planned for tomorrow and a visit to friends on Thursday. Camping is on the cards for the weekend too....busy.

Seafront Pokemons

Monday was a walk in the woods in the sunshine, then a packed picnic amd down to the seafront to meet friends and play Pokemon.

Think we got there at 1045 and left at 130 😃

Went home via Brantano to enquire about As rubbish shoes, and they swapped them for a new pair....happy days!

Then Daddy collared us to do parts collection and drop off.

 cookie dough pots and a Thai curry for the boys.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Fort Nelson......

So boys rocked up home last night 845pm, and were up again at 650am ready to go back and watch the mowers finish!

I, on the other hand had a lovely peaceful couple of hours...I took milo for a nice walk that I have regretted ever since as it has properly made my stupid planter fasitius hurt crazily. More than normal. Stupid trainers. 😞

Thinking of something to do, as the boys needed to leave the building, we decided on Fort Nelson in Portsmouth. Daddy really wanted to go on the train, but after discovering that it would cost £94 return (!!!!!!!!) We drove.

Home to a rest on the sofa, a failed bbq (failed in as much as I cooked it in the oven in the end) and a water challenge that went wrong.... H screamed a lot, J ran away then pushed daddy into a bush which hurt lots and A enjoyed it....weirdo.

We have only had one round of 10 mins today. J is beside himself that he actually did hurt daddy properly and is inconsolable still at bedtime.

Time for a G and T. Needed. Lots.

Saturday, 6 August 2016

10 mins....

I think I know that all my boys have explosive personalities.

The fashionable "time in" When dealing with behaviour doesn't work for this crew. I don't know if it's because they are all quite close to each other so staying near by each other is counter productive. There are too many faces pulled and words said under breath going on for a 'time in' to work.

We have gone back to removal from the area. 10 mins in your room by yourself. To kick, scream and bellow to your hearts content. I will probably have to drop the time to 5mins as J managed to accrue nearly 50mins of cool down time walking from the bottom of the village to our house 🤔

You know that there are so many perfect parents out there, there are so many parenting styles and so many ways to think that you are failing at this. But you're not. You're really not.
I know that the boys don't want to 'talk' about the way they are acting....they are too busy bellowing at me. But those perfect parents will say I should be cuddling them and calming them....but.....I've tried all that and it doesn't work for these guys. They need to be alone. They know what has happened and they know what they should or shouldn't have done.

They don't like it of course. But I think we have been a bit slack in the discipline department for a bit. And now it's time to shape up. Although why they are acting up like this is anyones guess.

In other news it was hair cuts for all with my new speedy clippers and man are they good!!

We went for a play of rugby and rounders in the park before a quick drink and crisps at the pub.
Then Daddy and the two big ones have gone to watch the Lawnmower Racing up the road. It was a treat that they very nearly lost out on, but not wanting to let other people down they have gone.

Friday, 5 August 2016

It's not fair......

We went on an adventure yesterday morning. One that unfortunately went wrong as no footpaths existed. We rectified it by going to Rackham instead and spent an hour climbing etc.

H's new Half Shell heroes turned up. Que the jealous older brother. Horrifying really that that can tip you over the edge.

Daddy spent quite a lot of time coming and going over the day, and we went to deliver a car with him. When he went back to work however......the boys pretty much exploded. Disaster. It was awful and I needed wine. And they ended up in bed by 530pm.

Set A up with some work to do as he was annoying everyone. Well that was an awful sight to witness. The screaming and crying.

I have now set him work to do on a daily basis and this morning eventually went better in that department. J and H however are another story and how the neighbours didn't call the police I don't know.
You get one chance now, and then it's to your room for 10 mins. J spent 30mins up there. H 10mins and the threat still looming.

I'm struggling to understand what is going on with all the boys at present. It's not fun and it's not happy in this house.
It's rubbish actually and unnecessary.

And they can be nice like they are now.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016


Dump run and a carpark collection of A's friend S, then a walk up at the farm so we could show her were we used to live. A was a bit emotional, as he always is when we go up there :-(

Teddy bear house creating started as soon as we got home. Using foam board and the hot glue gun I set to work, following their instructions we made a bed, sofa and table.

They then searched Google for a picture view that would fit into the window frame.

There was also a walk to the chip shop, via the rubbish carpet shop that is never open. On route we saw Gaba, Pops and Gramps drove past too!

There has been lots of playing and a bit of Minecraft and Lego World's.

Not much else to report. We're planning to start J's Space project tomorrow. He wants to make a paper mache moon, and earth along with a rocket.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016


Not really sure what's going on with the boys at the moment. They are being rude and disrespectful, acting like lunatics most of the time and annoying each other in some shape or form at any given opportunity.
We have H who will do a blood curdling scream for what seems like 10 mins, J who will try to turn any wrong doing into an episode of Fight Club, and A who is back chatting and causing carnage whenever he can. This stage may 'pass' but it's not any fun.

Walk around the woods, side stepping the rain. Then off to do a quick shop and go into B&Q for paint supplies for the bears.

Not sure A has grasped the concept of how much money this project is using up. He sees it as only £3 or only £5 and fails to see the bigger balance at present.

After I eventually pulled him away from the TV, kind of anyway, he helped make the cushions and covers for his bears. He is not concentrating very well lately, and I think it's a case of over tiredness and poor diet choices.

He has got S coming over tomorrow to do some more project work, and Gaba is going to have J and possibly H whilst she is here. J doesn't seem to like other people being in his house, so this is the best option.

 They can play nicely together.

The finished cushions and quilt.

 J made me a colour by numbers to complete.

And as a random note, H ate peas last night and liked them!!!

Monday, 1 August 2016


After doing our little conversion for the bus, we decided to head off on a road trip this weekend.

We set off on Saturday lunchtime and arrived around 4ish, searched for a local campsite and went off to find dinner.

First night in the bus......not too bad. If anything it's just the lack of space that's a bit of a pest but all good in other ways. Breakfasted then off to Clearwell Caves an iron mine in the Forest of Dean.

Completely terrified the boys as we went down to 31m. We saw how the poor boys used to have to carry the iron ore out and tried on the tray that they used, complete with 30kg lump of iron ore in it. Heavy! Even I struggled to lift it!

Next stop was the Puzzle Wood, famous for being used in tv and film. Starwars, Merlin and Dr Who to name a few.

Good time had by all, but we are certainly feeling the effects today!

Boys have been to the park with Gaba today, whilst I tidied their bedrooms up.