Friday, 24 April 2015 last

Sullington Warren for a walk and play in the woods. H wanted to take his he is in action!! In the minute after this he went careering down a hill and scrapped his knee. He got back up and got back on!!

We also went swimming on Wednesday. On our own with no other adult. It was good, they all enjoyed themselves and no one drowned! Getting changed afterwards was the best bit, as the two big ones went in a cubicle together and got dressed themselves!!!!!

Foam arrived for the pallet sofa!! Love it! It now has covers too so looks great!!!

Blood under the microscope, from a picked scab....yuck!!

Thursday was an educational visit to Bignor Roman Villa. Was a really good day, just the right amount of hands on, to listening and looking.

Roman Soldiers

Making mosaics (apparently when they made a mosaic they would always put a piece in wrong, so J did the same......can you spot it?)

Grinding corn with a stone. Very proud of J as he went first out of our group and did it really well!

More grinding. They made a fair amount of flour at the end.

We also had a go a spinning some wool. Afterwards we headed off to a near by park for a picnic and the weather was glorious!!

Super horrid headache when we got home, and lots of crazy punching and screaming so an early night for all. It did them good though as this morning it is quieter! We have had the scaletrix out this morning, as I managed to mend a broken piece.

Off to Fishers again, to meet up with friends, think we spent around 3 and a half hours there and we are now suitably worn out. Maybe another early night on the cards......

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