Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Petworth House

Today we had a planned home ed picnic to attend at Petworth House. Unfortunately we were a little late getting there and managed to loose our friends somehow. I think we were in they were out kind if scenario!

Thoroughly enjoyable day however, the boys enjoyed going around the house and finding the spaniels hiding in each room (they earnt themselves a sticker at the end for going back to the desk and telling the ladies how many they had spotted! )

I love that at these places we go to, because I guess they are quiter during the week, the volunteers are very passionate and really do have time to talk to the boys and me and explain about things, let them touch things and make it far more interesting when we are walking round :-)

Beautiful pleasure gardens with lots of secret paths and an array of meadow flowers.

We shall return with daddy quite soon I think, as they have lots of geocaches to find within the park and gardens and you can borrow a gps unit to discover them all with!!

Quiet day tomorrow I think.....camping again on Friday :-)

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