Different pool today for our swimming adventure, probably won't return as wasn't really all that and its a new pool! Bit annoyed at having to pay full price for the leisure pool but then half of it not opened as there was lessons going on!!
Anyway H managed to enjoy himself loads after about 40mins of crying and panicing! J was practicing blowing bubbles and nearly got his face in and A was amazing, going from putting his face in the water for 3secs to sitting on the bottom of the pool, putting his head under for 10secs and opening his eyes and counting fingers whilst under the water. All in the space of an 1hr :-) although I think we spent nearly an hour and a half in the pool!!! #ratherwrinkled
I had forgotten to write down how prolific A has been in his drawings and book makings, lots of them keeping him amused for ages. J has been doing some too but not quite as many!
Paddling pool playing, sandpit constructions and mending bike/pushchair tyres was our afternoon after walking Milo in the sudden humid heat.....