Saturday, 17 May 2014

Bbq On The Beach

A lay in this morning until 720!! Its been months since the last one, as certain people have insisted on 530 starts! We are trying a new approach regarding his early waking with H...fingers crossed :-)

In other news we stopped off at the butcher to see if our eyeballs had come in but sadly not until Tuesday...groans of disappointment from the boys!!!

Had a lovely walk and play around the woods and randomly met some people/dogs from the farm. We came home to a Famous Five youtube marathon and some yummy sandwiches.

This afternoon we went to uncle Ts to help him put up the shed and afterwards we went over to the beach and had a scrummy BBQ whilst the grown boys hurtled down the hills on the small boys balance bikes....hilarious!!!!

Tomorrow we are off to collect a new bike for J as his is a bit ropey and the new one was a £10 bargain on ebay.

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