Thursday, 29 May 2014

Birthday BBQ

So the smallest one is now a big bad 2yrs old!!! (and don't we know it!)

We celebrated on sunday with a family bbq and he enjoyed lots of presents. He didn't enjoy being sung to or being the center of attention but he did have a nice time and even had green sick from his cake!!

Monday dawned with rain and stayed that way pretty much all day :-( Not to be concerned with getting wet we tried our hand at Geocaching! Basically treasure hunting following clues. There were some apparent easy ones in ashington but we only found one, before we hopped in the car and drove up the lane to Warminghurst where there was another treasure spot.....only we couldn't find it! Instead we went into the extremely old church which dates back to 1086! It has been slightly changed throughout the yrs but it is still beautiful.  Its not used very much now and was made redundant in 1980 but it is still looked after.

Yesterday we went on a mini adventure up Mill hill in Shoreham,  we just kept driving past the two carparks until we reached a youth hostel a good 2-3 miles up into the hills! Views were amazing and would have been better had it not been rainy. We worked out that we were only a few miles away from Henfield but and a big but it took 30mins to get back there!!!!!

I have been adding to this blog since Sunday and now we are at Thursday.....

Our lovely friend came to see  us today and bought us donuts and cookies. So we took her to the park. Very hard work today the small people, lots of screaming,  hitting and name calling. We made it to the park fairly stress free and the boys made some friends :-)
The journey back was another matter however.......
Since around 3pm however their moods have changed and they are happily playing together outside and upstairs with lego.
The beanbags have also been out today being used for some number games, throwing and catching skills and a treasure hunt!!!

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Nice to SEE you...

Today was a change in the weather so not so sunny but still quite warm. Boys had another water fight and spent some time just splashing about in the water tray.

We collected our pig eyeballs from the butcher and had a run around the woods.
Got all kitted out in our rubber gloves for a handling session on the eyeballs...A was really interested and we found all the parts that we had a picture of in our human body book.

Next on the agenda is a brain apparently!!!

Something I forgot about yesterday was A deciding to make alien hats for everyone. This picture is of his, J was blue and H was red. They wore them all around Storrington much to the other shoppers amusment!!!

The bike helmets arrived so we went to the park to try them out, also hoping to get rid of some of the silliness that was causing the boys, especially the middle one, to be quite tiresome.
So it goes...... (it didn't work)

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Fun in the Sun

Such a sunny weekend :-)

Another 710 wakeup....hurray!!!

Road trip to pick up Js bike and sooo many cyclists out there and traffic jams, very hot in the car but we had ice creams when we got home.

We set to work on the front garden today amd it looks excellent now and much bigger! Had to make a trip up to the farm and off load some branches!
Boys had a bounce on the trampoline and met a friend too.

Came home to another BBQ (J had a proper feast on the chicken drumsticks!!) And an impromptu water fight!!!!

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Bbq On The Beach

A lay in this morning until 720!! Its been months since the last one, as certain people have insisted on 530 starts! We are trying a new approach regarding his early waking with H...fingers crossed :-)

In other news we stopped off at the butcher to see if our eyeballs had come in but sadly not until Tuesday...groans of disappointment from the boys!!!

Had a lovely walk and play around the woods and randomly met some people/dogs from the farm. We came home to a Famous Five youtube marathon and some yummy sandwiches.

This afternoon we went to uncle Ts to help him put up the shed and afterwards we went over to the beach and had a scrummy BBQ whilst the grown boys hurtled down the hills on the small boys balance bikes....hilarious!!!!

Tomorrow we are off to collect a new bike for J as his is a bit ropey and the new one was a £10 bargain on ebay.

Friday, 16 May 2014

The Sun Is Shining....

Beautiful day today, slightly sun burnt (all of us!!) H has got his little white fat wrist stripes back!!

Sooo bit of camper delivering to help daddy out...then dropping daddy off for a 'business lunch' whilst the boys and I went for a wander along the river to have lunch at Shoreham Airport.  Much excitement from all watching planes taking off, landing and helicopters too!!

Play in the park after and daddy walked up to meet us.

Interesting conversation about rain etc and we are going to do an experiment regarding rain coming through clouds.

Home for a while then off out again on bikes down to the boys fave hill to do some crazy downhill stunts. Unfortunately today saw J have two collisions, one with A and one nearly into a fence!

Helmets have now been purchased and should be here Monday :-)

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


Testing 123


Thought we would dust off the mud and wellies today as we have lots of exciting things happening and I really should be writing them down!

It was Js last day at the Montessori today as he is moving to a sister nursery nearer to where we now are living. It was sad for me after going there for that last 3+ years but not especially for him!! The children made him a lovely card and he has a lovely group photo, we also will still see some of the children and have been invited to Pulborough Brooks on the last day of term!!

Skate park after playschool with bikes and a friend to play with, they are getting very daring on two wheels now!!

A has been busy with the hama beads and has been making some cool pictures and patterns including a few Minecraft ones! He made a club house today and some Tree fu tom 'work sheets' that he was using to count with. He also was teaching J how to count backwards.

H has been tiresome better today and we have had some nice parts with the water track and sand being piled up around the patio! As it sometimes happens just before bath time, all is quiet and everyone is absorbed in their own little worlds.....not sure for how long mind!

Tomorrow we have a trip to the park penciled in and a trip to the butchers to see if our eye balls have come in! Said it was exciting, if not a little disgusting!!!