Friday, 15 March 2013

Back to basics.....

Today is day 1 of making sure I try to write the blog everyday!!  I want our journey without boundaries to be documented and I think I am letting it slip a bit.........

The boys are enjoying some free play this morning using Lego, Modelling foam and various cars.

Later on we are going to make some ladybirds for counting and possibly some 'red nose cupcakes'.

I have finally finished the washing from our holiday - hooray!!

This morning I have been trying to decide on food and party bag ideas for J's birthday party next weekend. After various inputs I think I shall go down the route of party picnic boxes for food (thank you Gaba :-)) opefully less mess to tidy up and little buckets with sweeties and bubbles in for 'party bags'. I hate crappy party bags full of toot that normally finds its way into the bin within hours of being back from a party!

I have found an excellent website that I can get everything from so thats what I shall be doing later!

Update on this afternoon goes along the lines of H sleeping from 1030am until 1pm, by which time we had to go out and get some kindling for the fire as it was freezing, and then we popped into see Gaba and Pops, where Angry Birds, the Duplo game and the Lego game were played before coming back for our shopping delivery.

Playing in bedrooms building tracks and watching Octonauts before dinner and a bath and bed.
Also seeing Daddy before bedtime was fun for them and him, as he thinks the last time he saw H awake was Tues night ???? It happens.

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