Friday was another day and feeling better I took the smallest two to Gabas so A and I could create J's birthday cake and grab any last bits and bobs. A trip to Sainsburys, Truffles for coffee and cake and the pet shop took us a while, but it was lovely to be out with just my big boy. He however decided that being an only child was boring and not at all fun, likewise J felt the same the other day at Fishers when he was on his own.
The Sweetie Cake Creation!!
Saturday. Party Day for master J!! He was very excited but not quite sure what was going to happen I don't think. Once all was ready we set off to the leisure centre to set up and J saw his cake for the first time. 'Wow' and then silence then 'is that for me? you can all share it and my friends' bless him.
Pre Party Family Picture!
Now when we got home there was another surprise for the boys - BatGrandad!!
Lots of lovely presents to open including a guitar, puzzles, money box, books, games, DVD, dinosaurs and a massive set of plasticine from grandad and penny. So it goes that he would start playing with his old cars again......
A new book arrived today 'How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk' I like to read about and try different approaches with the boys in some areas of parenting and tend to pick out bits that are relevant to us and put them in to practice. I started reading it and today we have put some of the ideas to the test, and they have worked :-) for how long I don't know but its a start!!
Daddy has put up J's new bedside light, so he couldn't wait to go to bed and have a story. I left him leafing through the book again looking at pictures, just like A used to and sometimes still does although he prefers to do some Lego building before he goes to sleep.
The Plasticine came out first thing and stayed out for about 2 hrs worth of continued modelling. Angry Birds was the theme of the day and we modelled some of the birds and the piggies.
J built a tower for the piggies to sit on and they took turns at trying to knock them off
Daddy then made a Stop Frame Animation using our models. I will try to upload it tomorrow as our internet connection is really slow today.
I took Milo out earlier and I don't think I've ever been so cold!! Absolutely freezing!! We then went on a mission to get J's birthday present - completed! Then went to Gabas for roast dinner. Cheeky H stole a roast potato from off my plate and happily wiped his hands all over Pops's nice white t-shirt, treacle sponge for pudding was appreciated by all.
J had his present from them whilst we were there....
You can't quite see his face but the word WOW featured again!!!
Hours of fun have been had driving into people, vrooming around the room and so on.... definitely a hit on the present front!! He has got very good at controlling it in the short time he has had it. Its due to be charged again over night for more action play tomorrow, he is desperate to take it outside in the mud!