So a quick round up of today is that 'A' is poorly with a cough :-( 'J' is a tiny bit snotty, but nothing major and 'H' is brewing 2 new teeth!!
Quite grumpy then all round, but we are dealing with it as calmly as possible and there has been no tantrums or shouting - hoorahh!!
Our lovely friend, one of the boys favourite people, came to see us today and brought cookies!!
'A' has done more Reading Eggs and powered through quite a hard lesson, with the help of 'J' at his side.
There has been lots of lego building in the shape of spaceships, planes and more added to the ever changing 'lego city' in 'A's bedroom.
'J' has been showing more of an interest in numbers today as well.
'J' lined up all his animals for a trek through the jungle
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