Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Welcome to 2013...

We saw the new year in yesterday with lunch for Nana and Gramps. Quite nice it was too although 'A' and 'J' didnt eat much, 'H' did though he loved it, and they all especially enjoyed the profiteroles we had made for pudding!! 'A' requested them for breakfast this morning.

We went for a walk in the morning through the woods up in the middle of the track. It was lovely to see the green shoots poking their heads through the leafy floor, and it was interesting to come upon a memorial stone nestling in the trees. After enquiring with next door, it seems that a young boy of 15yrs used to come and stay on the farm during the war as an evacuee, sadly he was knocked down by a car in London in 1940 and so his parents put a memorial stone here as he so enjoyed his time at the farm.

After shunning his workbooks for some time now, 'A' was on a mission last night to get some maths done! He did loads and finished off his 1st book with flying colours. His pencil control has greatly improved and his number formation too. He was also able to recognise the amounts of items, without having to count them individually. He started his next book this morning, but got a bit bored of writing the numbers so we finished for another time.

The boys seemed to gain their appetites back again today, which is nice, and will hopefully mean that 'A' starts to sleep a bit better and not be such a grump. Blue bear has started to make an apperance again which is a bit strange. He is currently modelling some of 'H's old clothes.

So today we have been for a muddy walk, had new bolts put on one of our wheels and had a puncture repaired, then the littlies have scoffed down a fish pie and are just watching the Gruffalos Child before bed.

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