'A' has discovered the game of Tiddlywinks! Much enjoyment has come from pinging little counters round the room and into a pot. He wasn't aware that it was a proper game, he just liked doing it and he is very good at it too! He is also really getting into board games now, so we have Snakes and Ladders and Ludo winging their way to us hopefully by the weekend.
Yesterday was playschool for the littlies, they had a great day but were round up like springs when they came home - driving me crazy!!
Today was playschool for 'A' and he had a good day asking if he could do some "work", word building from pictures. 'J', 'H' and I went for a walk in the snowy woods before we arrived upon a poor lady laying at the side of the road who had slipped by the bus stop in W Chilt and smashed her head on the kerb. Lots of blood and luckily another passer by who stopped to help me. Ambulance called, which 'J' liked and they took the lady off to hospital.
I took the smallest ones to Fishers for lunch and a quick run about in soft play. 'J' asked the waitress what the soup of the day was - vegetable - and was it blue?! It wasn't blue but it was tasty! Off to collect 'A' we went and back home to watch Dumbo beside the fire.