Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Starting Over...(Again..)

We are in the midst of a cold snap. I know its still winter and all that but it has got colder than cold, luckily the sun is still shining.

As February draws to an end, I felt I should start re blogging our adventures in life without school. Last year I lost my blogging groove for some reason, although i did take a 1.5 seconds snap shot of every day from Jan 1st 2017 until 31st Dec 2017.

Lets start with a round up of interests amongst the crew.

A: The resident YouTuber . He has an amazing knowledge of all things YouTube and game based. He has taught himself loads using google and other internet based info. He has a passion for Five Nights at Freddies and became completely immersed in the world of Freddie Fazbear. He made a set of Top Trump cards that are regularly added to and we had a Hama bead project going for a while.
He goes to Cubs every week and has recently become a Sixer in his group. It has done wonders for his confidence, as a smaller person he was extremely shy, but he has definitely come out of him self as he has grown up. This year he stopped having his one on one swimming lessons. He learnt a great deal and his teachers were always impressed with his perseverance. For the last few months he has been going to his friends house for the day once a week. It has meant that he gets some time with older children away from his little brothers and he does different things to what we do at home. It has also been commented on by various people that he has a maturity and wisdom about him in dealing with certain situations (not that he takes his own advise of course ;-))

J: The resident secret squirrel. Its an interesting thing suddenly realising all the things that the boys know and how they have got that far. J is a good example of this. He was not really reading...then suddenly he was a pro. He didn't really write much then suddenly he is writing and spelling things like a super star! He recently joined a Street Dance group that he loves and has done wonders for his confidence, suprising really as we were not sure how he would be going to a class completely by himself. He has also just started at Cubs and is getting invested this week, something he is super duper excited about!! He loves to shoot videos and stop motion and his minecraft builds are very detailed with research on the subject evident. He loves to move his body and can be often found up a tree. He can also make cakes all by himself.

H: The resident early bird. Yeah, he still gets up at silly o'clock in the morning. Although he at least puts his time to good use as he does strength training with Daddy! He is finally kind of keeping up with his brothers, he loves watching toy channels on YouTube and also likes making random videos of his cars crashing. He has a doll house that is often being reset up for different modes of play. He loves his sandpit and desperate for the warmer weather when he can play in it properly again. He loves colouring and drawing and doing crafty things. Pottery is a joy of his. He does like to over indulge in computer time which tends to send him into melt downs so we try to limit that for him. He loves his animals and adores cooking.

So that is now. Lego features heavily in our days along with Minecraft, Roblox and Scrap Mechanic to name a few. They love to send Snapchats and have found this is a good way to communicate with friends and family by themselves.

Over the weekend the three boys went to Gabas house to create a 3 course meal for Mummy and Daddy. They had already made a menu and sent us invites during the week. It was really yummy and they did very well!!!