Friday, 13 January 2017


So it is Friday and the tablets are gone.
Not forever you understand, but just for now whilst we grow back into a better groove.

The new picture schedule arrived and we will now spend some time coming up with a rhythm of things we want to do every day.

This is going to include our new 'world exploration'  teatimes.  For this we will chose a country either topical or of interest and we will find out facts about it and them go to Gabas for tea time where she will have prepared some dishes..... Mainly cake 😉

It was also include time set aside for playing on tablets and time for using them as an information tool.  Something that the boys struggle to understand.

It's now 1115 on Friday morning and so far they have nearly eaten the kitchen bare...... Other than that is business as usual.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

I'm Bored......

So Christmas has been and gone. It was nice to not have spend the entire time driving to other people, and it was nice to just be for a few weeks.

Fast forward to is not fun and nice in the house. After giving up his only day off every week by taking J to rugby since September, Daddy has had enough of the constant moaning and 'tiredness' that always appears the minute they hit the pitch. We decided that it doesn't matter what we do as a family the boys are always moaning and want to go home. They have zero interests at the moment, nothing will inspire them......they are boring. We are bored. I am bored of trying.

Right, Daddy says do it yourself. Play on your tablet whenever you like, watch TV until your eyes are square, eat what you like, put yourself to bed etc etc.....but do not tell us you are bored.

Monday dawned and so did the scrambled for their tablets. They did not put them down for 10hrs. Yes 10hrs. I am bored. They are rude, they cant sleep, they haven't eaten properly as they cant possibly put the tablets down. If a battery dies they crowd the charger until they can take it away again or they take the Ipad instead because there can be no moment when a tablet is not in a hand.

What is going on??????????!!!!!!!!!!

It is complete madness and completely unnecessary. They have always had access to the iPad and computer and various phones to play the exact same things they're are now obsessing over. Its driving me mad. they can use the iPad to find things out....but to use their tablet....omg what! i cant use my tablet to learn something.

We said they had a week. I can't wait for Friday. I want my boys back.