Monday, 21 November 2016

Storm Angus is rocking and rolling

Winds are blowing and the rain has been belting down.  Luckily the weather hasn't stopped our play and we managed to dodge it today.

Saturday A had a shooting tournament, and he did really well.  I don't know what the score outcome was yet however,  but he certainly enjoyed it.

Yesterday J had rugby,  which was a good session. He joined in for nearly all of it and is gaining confidence and friends!!
We then headed over to Brighton to meet up with new friends.  We managed to bankrupt daddy in about 30mins 😂😂😂 but we all had a good time and finished up in Mod on the marina. A cool pick your own pizza place.

Today has been wet and busy.

Just a snap shot of what we got up to.  The boys were busy in the garden armed with hammers etc,  we had a walkie-talkie walk on the common and did some stained glass painting.  We also ventured into Seawhites and the Range for some crafty bits too.  Boys enjoy looking at the Christmas lights!

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Things we have done...

Pulborough Brooks

Mushroom spotting

Climbing and Messy Play and Engineering 

More Tree climbing

Rope swinging

and more....

J teaching A how do a specific drawing

A at the Remembrance Service with Cubs

Wearing his poppy with pride

Making up....

Action jump shots after watching Ice Age: Collision Course for free!

D-Day Museum

Bonfire Night

It Goes....

Finally got a moment to write something down!!

We had a bit of a disastrous return to Out of Bounds soft play yesterday, as a few of the mothers in there seemed to have it in for any child older than 5 yrs and A was picked on quite a said grown ups. We had a good play with their friends though and wore everyone out.
The morning wasn't too bad with a successful shopping trip, where i was congratulated on having such polite well behaved boys!! It does happen you know!

A has had a shooting tournament this morning and he did very well, we have to wait until it has finished to see where his team came, but he is quite a good shot.

We did some action shots in the woods this afternoon, with a ninja turtle!!!

Thats about it for today.

Saturday, 5 November 2016


We have been enjoying a few spontaneous art sessions recently .  It's lovely to see J who is normally allergic to crafty stuff,  really getting involved and using his Imagination to the max!

We need to work on all of them not putting each other down when one does something that another views as not right. But we are getting there.

Finally after a week of the stupid hour change I think we are nearly back to normal ,  as in yesterday wasn't 79 hours long. . . . . .

We have a fun weekend of gin festival,  and fireworks and rugby,  where J may get involved in a small match.

He was not happy at rugby last week and we ended up coming home as he refused to join in.  Hopefully it won't happen this  week.

H has been "reading"  lots by copying A,  it has caused many tantrums from J who cannot see that H is just copying and not truly reading the words. . . . . That J is so desperate to learn.  J can read but he doesn't apply himself to get the job done and then gets quickly frustrated when he comes across a word he can't decide.  We will get there.  A was 7.5 yes before he was an independent reader so J still has a year on him.

I think we will start putting Literacy Planet into our daily routine again.

For an art session this coming week I think we will focus on Rememberence Day. And an on going but unfinished project of space will be front of the queue too.

A and J have also shown an interest in Street Dance,  so we can look into that too.

Beginning of November...

I tried to get on with the blogger app for the millionth time,  wrote a post added pictures. . . . . . .as usual it didn't save and all is lost again 😠

So starting afresh we have been. . . . .

 Engineering workshop

 Woodland playing

 Crafting Halloween luminaries

 Hikes up to chanctonbury

 Sheffield Park nature trail

 Dew pond

 Minor surgery for A,  blue bear was all scrubbed in too! ! !

 Tree climbing

 Random morning of craft

 Afternoon of guy fawkes,  poems and fireworks.

Exploring different mediums to produce different effects.