Friday, 23 September 2016

Get outside.....

A round up of this week has gone a bit like this.......


Survival skills.....

Film making.....

More survival, this is a guide stick for getting the correct lengths of wood....

 Another day, another wood....

Enjoying Cub Scouts........

We also have had a poetry pizza time, been swimming with friends and Daddy on the slides!!!!!

A and J attended an engineering workshop, that A thoroughly enjoyed and completely surprised me with how much knowledge and info he retained. We purchased a set of rope and pulleys to complement the workshop and a new game on the ipad using pulleys etc has kept them all busy.

J went to work with Daddy on Thursday pm so we could go shopping.....but H more than made up for the awfulness of 'shopping with children' 🤔🤔🤔

Today we met up with a friend for me and a friend for the boys and a barky friend for Milo and had 3 1/2 hrs on Lancing Ring and at the park. Its a wonderful thing when we all get a friend to be with.....I get to be a grown up for a bit and talk about normal stuff like wine and curry 😝😝😝

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Arundel Castle

Trip to the castle for A,J and I. Haven't been since I was about As age!!

My knights holding real swords!!!!!

Head Banging....

That is what I feel should be occurring to deal with the scratchy, tired grumps that are my children.

We had a good day yesterday, we went to a newly refurbished park at the Gallops. Then we purchased some new trainers for A, hopeful that these will last longer than a month.

We then spent a sunny, fun hour and 3/4 in the swimming pool at the Triangle. Most of that was in the outside pool, which we pretty much had to ourselves.

A perfected his jumping/walking into the water. H did loads of swimming under and on top of the water. J did some good leg splashing and getting his face wet. I got to kind of swim too as it was deep!!!!!!

Monday, 12 September 2016

Sunny September

Afternoon at the beach, after a morning of tablets and paperwork and waiting for the gas man 😃

Packed a lot into this weekend, and we had daddy here too!

Took J to watch the Rugby training to give him the opportunity to join up. Hopefully he will, but we will see. Daddy is going to take him for a few weeks to soak up the atmosphere.

Afterwards we went to Shoreham Fort and met up with a new friend and his family. Chatted for ages and I now have a half sun burnt face! All the boys had a great time off exploring by themselves.

Home for a sausage bbq.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Poetry Teatime......

Today saw the first of our poetry teatimes. (Although it was actually lunch time) It was a success.

We would like to thank Gaba for hosting, and providing a tea party fit for a king!!!

We read a book of nonsense by Michael Rosen. Then the boys chose a few of their favourite Dirty Beasts from Roald Dahl, we finished up with a game of Mad Libs based on a Diary of a Wimpy Kid theme. So we learnt about nouns, adverbs and adjectives too.

Such a lot of super sleuth learning going on 😉 We will definitely be repeating this as it was really quite fun. Next time we may theme our food to different cuisines but the main thing was everyone listened for as long as they could manage today. And for that I am grateful!!!!

A reading a few pieces of poetry from the Oxford Book of Poems that caught his eye. He read it beautifully and I am very proud of him. wellies......

This was Wednesday afternoon.

Lots of playing.
Lots of water.
Lots of mud.
Lots of imagination.
Lots of love.

Lots of washing.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Not Starting School.....

Today, or this week any how, H would have been starting school. It feels weird to think that all the boys are now of school age!!!!

To mark the occasion of not going to school, we went to the Stepping Stones at Box Hill.

Brilliant time had by all. Lots of water and lots of mud!!

Now we are due to start all our new rhythms of life, these include morning baskets, poetry teatime and engineering workshops to name a few. I will post more about these as we start to implement them.

Long Weekend...

Daddy left at 4am on Friday morning with Uncle T, heading for Dover and the start of their epic journey down through Europe to Monacco and back again.

H started his day off doing some water colour painting, with added glitter.

It was the Not Back to School Picnic on Friday. We had a few hours with old friends and made some new ones, in the rain playing in the park. Nothing better than sitting under a picnic blanket, hoping you don't get a soaking bottom!!

We headed for for home and the boys had duck in pancakes for their tea!

 Saturday saw us doing a dog rescue, before going to Gabas for dinner. It rained on our way back, but I had packed the emergency ponchos so all was well!!!

Sunday was a promised buffet at the local curry house, and then Gaba and Pops joined us for the afternoon........

Monday dawned with a hospital app for A, that had a good outcome and then a visit to the Noviam Museum in Chichester.

A late night for the biggest boys, as we went to welcome daddy ad his comrads back from their travels!!!

 All is back to normal now, so I hope the boys emotional states return to normal too. It has been a rough few days with the scratchy, screamy, punchy, fighty stuff we have had going on.

Been a Long Time......

Basically, the reason for the long break is due to the after effects of the mega party. We never did make it back the next day as the most horrific sickness bug attacked us with force.

It was nasty. We were sick. For ages. And we managed to pass it on too.
Fun stuff happened too and we received a parcel from aunty H which excited everyone!!

We did a cool skittles experiment!

We found an old Canadian Tank from WW2!

We had a stroll out Geocaching!

The next big weekend we had was our first festival with small people, Camper Calling.

Turbo Pimms in the sunshine! 

Festival dude!!!!

Glow sticks!!!!!

Flowers in my hair!!!

Ragley Hall

A rare moring where Mummy and Daddy were awake first and had to be quiet!!!!