Tuesday, 2 June 2015

End of May!

The end of May went some thing like this.........

Ducked out of home ed football  to go play in a stream

H put some lipstick on me!!

Wood work after breakfast! A also mended our seating with his hammer and nails

A is missing from these pictures as he went to London with Daddy to see the Dr Who orchestra

Camping with friends in the New Forest.... the weather didn't get us down as on the rainy day we went to soft play!!

Someone turned 3!!!!!! 

Cake for breakfast, and a picnic play in the afternoon


Learning karate using Youtube

First bike ride with us ALL on bikes!!!!

Quidditch Match

Brooklands Motor Museum

We went on Concorde!!! H was disapointed that it didnt really blast off...so much so that he cried! Lots!!

A bike for Gaba

Just a random footnote, but after trying to persuade A to wear shorts and t-shirts instead of winter clothes, I took him shopping for new clothes......he hasn't worn winter clothes since, and even he is unsure as to why this is!

J is having a growth spurt and so has many hurts, where he keeps over balancing!

H really is a threenager......enough said.