Monday, 18 May 2015


A round up of the last few weeks achievements and such........

Bike riding..J learnt to ride a pedal bike super quickly, which meant we could go on a bike ride, as A had already mastered the art of riding his bike, and H just hares along on his balance bike like a lunatic!!! (A struggles with things not going according to his way of doing things, so we have had many bikes in the hedge incidents - he is getting there though. )
This first proper ride was 3 miles in total and they all did it!!

Playing in the tray with kitty litter as it looks like stones for building and digger play. (note to self: worst idea ever as it ended up every where and when wet turns to clay!)

J the climbing one.

Guinea pigs out on the grass for the day

someone was so happy with our new van, that they didn't want to get out!!!

New van!!

Playing in the bath with lots of different kitchen equipment on a rainy day

Making bath bombs!!

H's amazing drawing of a sunshine

more grass nibbling

At the Go-kart track with daddy!!!! Noisy!!!!

Special duties to feed the lambs again

St Georges Day Parade

Flag bearer!!!!