Tuesday, 28 May 2013

End of May.....

Lots of learning has taken place this last month, in all shapes and forms, for all including myself as we go through the days past. If we can have a moment during the day when all 3 boys are happy and not grumping about something then our day has been good - oh the joys of the small people!

Both A and J have become scooter crazy and can be seen pretty much every morning zipping up and down the path, practicing new 'stunts' etc. We do now have to take our scooters everywhere where there may be a chance that we scoot.

We also got A a new bike and upgraded J's with new stabilisers, at the moment they are happy to ride up and down the path but thats about it - im sure it wont be long before they are properly off!!

A has taken a massive interest in Roald Dahl and we have read 4 of his books, just starting the 5th at bedtime, which he looks forward to each night. We have also discussed various parts of the books and have written down his comments so we can refer back to them when he chooses to reread the books himself.
So far 'James and the Giant Peach' (he has seen the prodution at the theatre) 'The BFG' (we now have the DVD) 'Georges Marvellous Medicine' 'Fantastic Mr Fox' and 'Danny the Champion of the World'.

 Playing in the new sandpit

Playing on the activity tray