I seem to have lost a week in my blogging so will attempt to bring things up to date.
J's birthday last Wednesday saw him turn 3 and become the proud owner of many Batman toys... and some walkie talkies....
Last week he was lovely this week he has become the monster that lurks beneath tiring and trying to deal with on an constant basis but there it goes.
A couple of explorers down by the pond
On Saturday Daddy took the boys to see 'Monsters Inc' at the cinema (their first experience of this) which they enjoyed but struggled with towards the end. Like most children they can only sit still for so long!!
J was a banshee in the afternoon so he and I went for a walk up to the woods so he could get some fresh air and play with sticks. It was actually really nice just to go for a walk, not because we had to take Milo out, but just because we wanted to.
Easter Sunday = Easter egg hunt in the garden in pyjamas!! Successful!! H enjoyed his little bunny and the boys enjoyed their eggs. As expected J whined on about another egg and another egg so in the end ate 9. He wasn't sick.
Gaba, Pops, Uncle T and Aunty J came round for roast beef - extremely tasty - and treacle sponge. They spent quite a bit of time doing playdoh with J and A.
Bank holiday Daddy went to work for a bit so we decided to brave the crowds and go to Fishers....wasn't that bad but we didn't stay long...just to do the Easter Egg hunt and have a chicken lay us a creme egg!!!
Later in the afternoon we all ventured out to B&Q and got some new garden furniture and a BBQ all extremely good prices - always a bonus!! Now we just need the weather!
We discovered that the Sussex County Ploughing Match is to be held at the farm this weekend, so cold or not we shall be having a BBQ!!!!
Playing in the woods and having our lovely friend from up county come to see us was how yesterday panned out, the boys even managed some trampoline time and bubble blowing before they froze!
Today has seen us go to Tilgate to the swings with Gaba, and have lunch at the Smith and Western. Yummy.
The wind has changed direction today and the house or kitchen i should say is defiantly colder. It would have been nice if the Aga could have held out for a few more days but nevermind, the 1st April is normally when we turn it off, its just not normally soooo cold still!!!
A's drawing of some cacti :-)